Everything about Class C Misdemeanor in Texas

 A misdemeanor is a minor offense where the victim gets a minor sentence or penalty. Here’s all you need to know about class C Misdemeanor.

Misdemeanors are the least severe form of a criminal offense in Texas. Depending on the nature of the offense, misdemeanors get categorized as Class A, B, or C. The least severe of all three are Class C misdemeanors. Even though they are the least severe, they are significant.

Let's get into depth and understand the A to Z about Class C offense.

How serious are misdemeanors of Class C?

Under the Penal Code, Class C Misdemeanor Texas is the least serious offense. A person convicted of Class C offenses does not have to serve any jail time.

In Texas, a person guilty of Class C faces the following punishments:

  • Fines up to $500

  • Community service

These are the maximum penalties that Texas law allows for Class C offenses. The actual punishment may be less than what the law specifies.

Examples of Class C misdemeanors

In Texas, many offenses get classified as Class C least serious crimes. The below-mentioned are some of the most common Class C misdemeanor texas examples:

  • Public intoxication

  • Traffic tickets

  • Disorderly conduct

  • Jumping bail

  • Gambling

  • Trespassing on public property

  • Simple assault (i.e., no weapon or battery involved)

  • Petty theft

  • Leaving a child in a car

  • Minor in possession of alcohol

  • Minor in possession of tobacco

  • Possession of drug-related paraphernalia

How can a misdemeanor of class C affect the defendant's life?

A Class C Misdemeanor in Dallas may not result in jail time, but that does not imply it will not impact a person's life. For example, a series of Class C traffic ticket offenses could result in losing driving privileges, fines, and higher insurance costs.

A Class C offense may also appear on a criminal background check, potentially affecting employment decisions. The record may indicate dishonesty or disregard for the law in specific situations. Even if a person makes a genuine, young error, these records can follow them if not purged.

Finally, if convicted of a Class C offense, you may not get federal financial help. All of the considerations mentioned above should be made before entering any pleas.

Repetitive class C offenses can also result in jail time and higher fines. In such a case, the misdemeanor would get bumped up to a felony, and the prosecution of such a case would be done as per the felony prosecution.

Statute of limitations

Each state has its own set of regulations regarding statutes of limitations, which is a fixed period to begin criminal prosecution. In Texas, for a misdemeanor, it’s two years.

Can misdemeanors in Texas go away?

Some people are unsure if a misdemeanor charge may get expunged from their record. A professional attorney knowledgeable about the paperwork and processes should handle the procedure for successful expungement.


It is possible to have a misdemeanor of Class C record removed from the criminal record. But it can be done 180 days after their arrest. Class A and Class B misdemeanors may get purged after one year from the date of arrest.

For expungement, the individual arrested must be absolved, pardoned by the governor, or have his charges removed after being found guilty. Those arrested and have had one of these successful ends to their criminal procedures believe that deleting their records is helpful.

Even if juveniles are found guilty of a crime, they are arrested and may seek to have their records expunged after they reach the age of 18. If an adult has been convicted, they may file a court petition for a "nondisclosure order."

To Conclude:

Different states have different ideas on how serious crimes should be. Felonies and Misdemeanors are two types of crimes classified according to their severity. The most serious are felonies, while the less serious are called misdemeanors. A, B, and C are the three subcategories of misdemeanors, and class C is the least serious of all the crimes.

The processes for misdemeanor cases are almost identical to felony cases in court, although the harshness of sentences in Misdemeanor is less. The consequences of the Class C Misdemeanor Dallas punishment, in this case, may impact your life.

If you engage a competent Class C offense attorney in Texas, you may be able to resolve your case as quickly as possible without facing any penalties.
