How Class C Misdemeanor Will Affect You?

Although a Class C Misdemeanor is not a grave crime, it still can negatively influence your life in ways that you may not anticipate. For example, receiving a traffic ticket can suspend your driver’s license, higher insurance rates, and penalties that harm your pocketbook. A Misdemeanor, whether a Class C offence, may also impact your capacity to find a job.

People levied with a Class C Misdemeanor in Texas need to appear in a Municipal Court or before a Justice of the Peace. Just as in the case of a felony crime, a prosecutor denotes the state in court trials. You must hire an attorney as it will be beneficial to your record. 

The court can levy sanctions or conditions for a specified duration when criminal trials are delayed without a finding of accountability and can punish or suspend a fine.

Misdemeanors Crimes Of Class C

Class C Misdemeanor texas examples include:

  • Most Traffic Tickets

  • Disorderly conduct

  • Public intoxication

  • Bad Checks of less than $20

  • Simple assault

  • Criminal trespassing

  • Gambling

  • Bail jumping

  • Leaving a child in a vehicle

  • Minor theft involving shoplifting of an object under $50

  • Custody of intoxicating drinks in a motor vehicle

  • Minor driving under the influence of alcohol

  • Minor in possession of alcohol

  • Minor in possession of tobacco

  • Possession of drug paraphernalia

When a court gives punishment to someone sentenced for a misdemeanour, it will regard some instances like:

  • whether the individual is a recurrence offender

  • whether the crime was motivated by prejudice

  • whether drugs were concerned

These deliberations can potentially impact the penalty, increasing or decreasing the damages amount and the prison time met by the perpetrator of the class c misdemeanor texas.

How Can a misdemeanor Impact Your Driving Record?

Traffic tickets add points to the driving record. For example, a ticket for careless driving or speeding ticket could each add two points to your driving record. If a collision occurred during this time, the DMV would add another point. These points will stay on your paper for three years.

As per the Texas Driver Responsibility Law, if you are allocated six traffic tickets within three years, the Texas Department of Public Safety will notify you that you need to pay a fine. The first six points will cost $100, and each one after that will cost you $25.

  • Surcharges

Some class c misdemeanor in Texas do not add points to your driving record, but they can direct to huge surcharges. For example, a ticket for driving without sustaining a financial commitment will cost you a $250 surcharge that you need to pay for three years. A DWI will cost $1,000 every year for three years. If you get another DWI, this annual fee boosts to $1,500.

  • Points Affect Car Insurance Rates

The period that these points stay on your driving record will be when they will impact your car insurance rates. If you have full coverage, you can anticipate paying an extra $600 in Texas. In contrast, if you have the least amount of coverage, this will raise your rate by $270.

  • Points Lead to License Suspensions

On receiving at least four tickets for traffic violations within one year, the DMV may discontinue your license. If you accept at least seven tickets for moving traffic violations within two years, this will also direct to suspension of your driver’s license.


A Class C Misdemeanor could be erased from one’s record under certain events if the defendant fulfils certain conditions like community management and deferred temperament. It permits a defendant not to note the crime on paper, but they still must do so under pledge.

While Misdemeanors are not the most severe crimes, you still may want to have the assistance of professional Expungement lawyers in Texas who will help you either get the costs dropped or eventually erased from your record entirely.

Not only can they help notify you about your legal rights and responsibilities, but they can guarantee that you know the full spectrum of collateral results before you take an appeal, plead culpably, or have No Contest. 

An attorney will also confirm that the claim gets settled in a way qualifying for an expunction so that the conviction no longer materializes in your documents.
